Men, Let’s Truly Listen To What Women Are Saying About Abortion.
We might just learn something!
At this hour, during this great debate, I encourage us men of Yah to take a step back and consider how fearfully and wonderfully made our wivesmotherssistersdaughtercousinsfriends are. They possess the most valuable,creative, precious place on earth- their reproductive tract.
Second only to her mind/heart, she can do what no other being in creation can do.
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
Only the human woman can deliver to the earth a being shaped in the image and likeness of Almighty YAH.
Yahweh has trusted her with a task so incredibly essential that it was Yeshua’s perfected method to enter into the earth to save our souls. (You remember Mary, right?)
Yes, we germinate and yes it’s our seed that impregnates but its women who are trusted with the stewardship of the gustation & birth. It’s their mother spirit that nurtures us from the womb to the tomb. That we must love, respect,honor and not deny.
For that we need to listen with our spiritual hearts and ears to what she is truly saying about her body, her choice.
Why we have two ears and one mouth
Whether we believe right or wrong, let’s listen and truly hear. Not through a political or religious lense but with the heart of Yah. With a heart of love.
I can see Yeshua kneeling, writing in the sand, He looks up at you, He looks up to me and says “he who is without sin cast the first stone”.
An unfortunate truth is their are many, many layers to this abortion issue that we men have never seen, heard or cared to take the time to understand or listen to.
It wasn’t until I heard a dear sister’s story did I stop and consider there’s more to this then what meets the eye.
Lets develop a level of understanding
Yes, there’s evil run amuck in many places, in many hearts but there’s a remnant women with serious issues and concerns that we Godly men must cover, protect and provide for.
I don’t know exactly what that looks like but He does. I’ve learned in my latter days there’s much more accomplished kneeling down lookin up in prayer than standing up looking down in condemnation.
Father, please hear our prayer!
Father, open our eyes that we may see that You are here with us, waiting and hearing our fervent prayers for wisdom in what to do next.
We’re in a place like David before he attacked Ziglag. Like Jehoshaphat before warring against Moab and Ammon. Father we look to You for a plan of action. A plan of attack.
Listen for the heart of GOD
Worship in holiness, righteousness and prayer. Not man’s way but Yahweh. Seek Me first in this and every matter and I will give you wisdom in the inmost parts and then I will deliver the enemy into your hands.
The Word you know and believe says “every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Yeshua is Adonai to the glory of Yahweh.” Amen