Love Letters to and from God: Special Edition.
A Father’s Love. Happy Birthday Lauren & Laure’l
Taking this occasion of the celebration of birth for “THESE 2!” AKA “The Twins”, mere words cannot express the depth nor height, the width or magnitude of the love I have for “THESE2!”
Where the odds were stacked against you from the very beginning I thank your mother and my forever friend other Connie Austin for standing in the gap from the very beginning. You taught me at birth the depth of a fathers love and why men seriously joke about “I will kill a ninja….” Sons are wonderful and I have 2 of the best but there’s something about girls that is repeated in the granddaughters they’ve given me.
They are truly God’s gift to me
But the most important gift is the fact that “THESE2!” nagged, conjoled (I made up a word), even shamed me into taking them to church. It got to the point I gave in just to shut them up and the rest is history. I wouldn’t be here today figuratively and probably literally if is had not been for them.
So, what’s next?
I was reminded that “as holy as I am now when I was in my 30’s I raised enough hell to send me there but by the grace of God I am here to wish “THESE2!” “THE TWINS” a Happy Birthday! I woke up in the middle of the night, with one of those Love Letters to and from God regards His daughters. You see I taught them very early in life I may be their father but they have a Father “whose arch is in heaven” (you had to be there to get that one. He is the one whose they are and never forget that.
The best is yet to come!
As you grow, mature and become abundantly blessed there is a price to pay. Power concedes nothing without a struggle. As you grow the enemy of your souls is going to fight to keep and maintain and grow whatever toe hold you give them. Whether it’s in lifestyle choices, mates, habits and wayward family members, you’ve got to fight the good fight of faith. Giving no place for even the slightest hint of evil.
In the beginning it’s difficult giving up those things that seem to pleasure you but in the end it leads to destruction. The generations fought hard for you to life holy, righteous and free and they would cheer you on. And the generations now need the excellent example of a holy righteous life to pattern themselves so they can be the best parents, leaders and children of God they can be
So this is my prayer!
Father I pray a father’s covering prayer over my beloved daughters and all who they love, cherish and pray for.
As they grow in You I speak life into their lives and death to all that seek their demise. Father, Defeat every devised, designed, hoped for plan for her destruction. Every foe within and without who cause her destruction, demise or elimination.
Whatever is missing be found, whatever is broken is mended to be stronger than ever before.
Beloved, may your spirit man become the strongman that presents you before Gods presence every second, every moment, everyday, always and forever.
I declare and decree that you are a beacon of light that illuminates the way for others, that warms, protects , provides light to the path of righteousness, the way of life to the One who is The Way, The Truth, The Life in Yeshua mighty name.
So I present to you to my Father, my Lord, my God wrapped and girded inthe full amour of God that protects, leads and guides you to life everlasting.
That you are fully clothed, armed, ready, willing and amazingly able to charge into the battlefield with faith to destroy every burden, defeat every enemy, cast down every stronghold, every demonic mind, heart and spirit the has been designed, anointed, captured, released against you and every saint who you have found favor with, has favor with you and who desire to be stronger for The Lord and His Kingdom.
Beloved, trim your lamps with the oil of truth, the oil of the Spirit so that your lamp will light the way to the Ark of Safety, to that great banquet feast, that wedding feast where we will all be united with The Brides Groom, who will present us faultless,glorious, without spot nor wrinkle to our Father, the God, Maker of all creation. All Who was, is and to come.
Say, I am His and He is mine and forever it’s in His will and pavilion I will forever abide.
Father, I’m yours, forever to rest and abide in your dwelling place forever! AMEN!!!