Love Letters: A Message of Encouragement to my African brother
by admin
Praying and Believing that the best is yet to come!
Father I thank and praise you for this letter of love you placed in heart to express to my brother, your son in Uganda. He is faithfully administering the grace You have given unto him everyday providing comfort and support to his community, especially widows and orphans.
I believe my role with him is to challenge, train and support him as he grows to the next level in You and he gains great grace right there where he stands and make a great impact in the Metron where you have assigned him to.
Means family
I greet you in the Spirit of Love and Unity
My dear brother, I may not have silver or gold to give you now but what I do have is a mind to help you create opportunities that may bless you and all that you do. Imagine yourself delivering the Gospel as other great men of God from the very soil you stand do now and have done.
I see you building the people in the Spirit, in wisdom, in truth, in the Word. Let’s focus beyond where you stand right now and do as God instructed Abraham to do. Look up at the sky and count the stars. Look at the shore and count the sand. Your inheritance is greater than these. You have a covenant with Almighty God that strengthens, protects and provides “all sufficiency, in all things, so that you would have everything you need to fulfill the purpose our Father has blessed and graced you for.
Jesus said “even greater” than He has done you shall do also. BELIEVE AND RECEIVE THAT. The Word says that He is NO respecter of persons. He doesn’t love and care for others more than He loves and cares for you. WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR OTHERS HE WILL DO FOR YOU!
Like Moses, when the sea was before him, millions of Hebrews behind, following him and the enemy rapidly pursuing them with murderous intent. There he asked the Lord what do I do? Our Father, your Father, asked him, “what do you have in you hand?” He looked and knew he had his miraculous staff in his hand. He used it before. Time to use it again. (We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony).
God said: Moses now hit the sea and Go! I believe God is asking us “what do we have in our hand?” Telling us to hit the sea of our afflictions, our maladies, the Red Sea’s of our lives and by faith know that He is with us every step of the way.
We have our hearts, our minds, Holy Spirit. So I ask you. What’s on the ground, in the hills, in the streams that can bless someone. What witty invention is in you or even the kids around you.
Above view of african village with house solar panels on roof and crowd of people.
Even greater, what’s in your heart? Your mind? Your spirit. Become a scribe and share the wisdom gained under the stars right where you are. You are the richest man, in the richest county on earth. You are a son of the Ruler and Creator of it all and He loves you so much He calls you His son.
Nothing can stop you son of God
Yes you. A son of God. With all the rights and privileges of a regent. A son of the King of Glory. Prince Charles or any other monarch have nothing on you.
What does the Bible say about you? You are a royal priesthood. A holy nation. Yes you. It may not look like it or especially feel like it right now but the Word says that you can place a demand on The Word in faith and ask God for wealth to create generational wealth right where you are. Right now.
If others can do it why can’t you? Right now. Right there!
My dear brother, I’m praying Isaiah 45:11 concerning you and how together as brothers and sons show us things about you and what I am to ask you to do on your behalf. That He will shine His face upon you and favor you. That He would show His love and blessing upon you. And prove that His word is true and that as His beloved above all things He desires that you would prosper and be in health even as your mind, will and emotions prosper.
helping hands in Christ
The Best Is Yet To Come
In the days to come let’s seek HIS FACE and find out what He would have us to do to advance His kingdom and His will to be done right there, on that earth where you stand as it is in heaven.
Father, show me things concerning your sons and daughters and tell me what to pray and do on their behalf. Father, please know that at the end of the day you will get all of the praise, glory and honor from Your sons testimony of how You showed Yourself powerful on his behalf. You will get great glory out of our lives because we have listened diligently and obeyed your voice. And the best thing is You were and are with us every step of the way.
GOD bless you brother.
“‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’